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Can You Reduce or Increase Child Support in Illinois?

 Posted on September 09, 2021 in Divorce

IL familiy lawyerChild support payments are a major source of assistance for single parents. However, they can also represent a significant expense for the parent who is paying the child support. Illinois child support payments are calculated using a method that incorporates each parent’s financial instances. The payments are intended to be reasonably affordable while still providing the financial assistance the child needs. However, circumstances change and sometimes a parent needs to modify his or her child support order.

Child Support Modification

Every three years, the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services Division of Child Support Services (DCSS) offers modification reviews to parents with child support orders. A modification review may also be granted if either parent’s financial circumstances have changed considerably, the current child support order does not address healthcare for the child, or either parent requests a modification review.

During a modification review, the DCSS evaluates each parent’s income, assets, and other relevant financial information and notes any increase or decrease in the child’s financial needs. Based on this information, the DCSS will determine if the child support order should be modified. The amount a parent pays in child support may increase, decrease, or stay the same. If a parent disagrees with the DCSS’s decision, he or she can request a reassessment or attend a hearing to contest the child support order.

Situations that May Necessitate a Child Support Modification

The DCSS must have a good reason to change a child support order. Some of the most common situations that lead to a child support modification include:

  • The paying parent or “obligor” loses his or her job
  • The paying parent experiences a substantial increase in income from a promotion or change in employment
  • The recipient parent’s income has increased or decreased significantly since the last child support order was established
  • The child’s financial needs have changed due to medical expenses, educational expenses, or other unexpected costs

Contact a Wheaton Child Support Lawyer

Child support payments may be changed if either parent or the child experiences a major change in circumstances. However, changing your child support order is not always easy. For help, contact DuPage County family law attorney Jessica Sendek from Hensley Sendek Law.

Jessica understands how to gather the evidence needed to build a compelling case and advocate on her clients’ behalf. She is equipped to represent parents during child support cases, child custody disputes, divorce, and more. Call 630-358-9029 for a free, confidential consultation to learn more.




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